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January 2021

Who’s hiring in Canada?

(NC) The impact of COVID-19 on Canada’s job market has left many of us reeling. Steady work can feel out of reach sometimes, but if you look in the right places, you’ll find employers eager to expand and meet the challenges facing Canadians. 


With the 2010s behind us, Canada has proven itself as a hotbed of technical innovation. Startup companies in fields from smart home tech, to cybersecurity, to AI are all ramping up their hiring as the economy levels out. You don’t need to be a programmer or technician, either. These growing businesses need marketers, project managers and sales forces just as urgently. Joining a start-up can be a great way to begin a career by getting in on the ground floor of a growing business. 


Stores can’t keep many essential supplies on the shelves, and manufacturers are having to step up production to keep pace. Some businesses are even shifting their production to new products like PPE and sanitization supplies, and that means open positions. Roles from quality control to line workers, warehouse operators to manufacturing supervisors need filling, and the hiring surge shows no signs of abating soon. 


Agriculture and agri-food may have reputations as purely seasonal, rural-only work, but nothing could be further from the truth. Businesses across Canada are looking to fill positions for a wide variety of roles and experience levels. Step up to the Plate is an initiative by the Government of Canada to connect Canadians looking for work with agri-food and agriculture businesses across the country. It provides links to multiple job boards at once, by region and job type. From farms, to food and beverage manufacturing, to distribution, you can find it there. 

Find out more about opportunities in agriculture at 

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