Different options for doing your taxes

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Now that the New Year has rolled around and the holiday decorations are packed away, one of the next big events to look forward to is…tax time.
The deadline to file your twenty twenty-four tax return is April thirtieth.
While it may not be something you’re eager to do, there are many reasons why you should file on time.
First, the benefits. Filing on time ensures you’ll avoid delays or interruptions to your benefit and credit payments. If you’re owed a refund, the earlier you file, the earlier you’ll receive it. And when you file and pay on time, you’ll avoid penalties and interest on any balance you owe.
You can file online using Canada Revenue Agency-certified tax software. It’s easy and, in some cases, free.
If you have a modest income, you may be able to get help from one of the free tax clinics held across the country.
Learn more at canada dot c a slash taxes dash get dash ready.
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(NC) Now that the New Year has rolled around and the holiday decorations are packed away, one of the next big events to look forward to is tax time.
The deadline to file your 2024 tax return is April 30th.
While it may not be something you’re eager to do, there are many reasons why you should file on time.
First, the benefits. Filing on time ensures you’ll avoid delays or interruptions to your benefit and credit payments. If you’re owed a refund, the earlier you file, the earlier you’ll receive it. And when you file and pay on time, you’ll avoid penalties and interest on any balance you owe.
You can file online using Canada Revenue Agency-certified tax software. It’s easy and, in some cases, free.
If you have a modest income, you may be able to get help from one of the free tax clinics held across the country.
Learn more at canada.ca/taxes-get-ready.
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