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Celebrating women: Who we are and can be

By Allan Britnell, Editor-in-Chief, News Canada

(NC) Whether you are looking for a gift, support, financial advice or a new place to shop there are many companies and organizations who are working help make the world a more equitable place. In honour of International Women’s Day, here are four ways you can support women all around the world.

Give for girl power
To honour someone you care about for International Women's Day consider a meaningful gift that will pay it forward. For example, Plan International Canada has a $50 “Girl Power” gift to help create safer schools and brighter futures, providing nourishment, education and protection for girls and young women around the world.

Build financial confidence in youth
Research from the OECD highlights a gender gap in financial knowledge and confidence. But the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s recent app-based program geared to girls in grades six to 12 led to a seven per cent jump in self-reported knowledge about money management. It also boosted confidence by 15 per cent. Learn more online about how the organization is working on ways to close the gap as part of their national financial literacy strategy.

Learn about women and dementia
Nearly two-thirds of the almost 477,000 Canadians aged 65 and older living with diagnosed dementia are women, according to the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System. As well, many of the unpaid caregivers for people living with dementia are women, often daughters or partners. As part of efforts to recognize both contributions of women and challenges still faced, we can learn more about dementia and how to improve quality of life for those living with the condition and their caregivers.

Put your money where your mouth is
Consider how you can spend your money at businesses that prioritize women and the issues that affect them. For example, Canadian retailer la Vie en Rose, has more than 80 per cent of management roles filled by women and runs a foundation that provides financial support to organizations helping women and girls. Engaging with a diverse array of women and making use of your purchasing power is a simple way to participate.


Media Attachments
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Celebrating women - main image View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Celebrating women - alternate image View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Celebrating women - alternate image View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Plan International Canada View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Health Canada - Dementia Awareness View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: La Vie en Rose View
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