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Bathroom makeover tips

(NC) Did you know the bathroom is the most renovated space in the home? Use these quick tips to create a relaxing retreat from everyday life: 

Consider open shelves  

Create the illusion of more space and add room to store and organize your items with open shelving. Floating and standing shelves are inexpensive but can be cutely decorated with baskets, plants and candles.  

Choose durable materials 

Whether you’re changing the paint, tile or flooring, remember that all surfaces in a bathroom are exposed to more water and moisture than other areas of the home. So, invest in high-quality materials such as porcelain or cast iron that will look fantastic and stand the test of time.  

Leave plumbing alone 

While tempting to relocate the tub or sink, moving plumbing fixtures is a major and expensive undertaking. For a fresh and affordable change, swamp out the hardware for trendy matte black or bronze.  

Refresh your medicine cabinet 

Now’s the time to make sure you have all the essentials and splurges that add comfort and a touch of luxury to your bathroom. Great for moisturizing dry skin, lanolin cream is perfect for combatting artificial air and extra handwashing. Try Medela's Purelan lanolin cream to lock in moisture all day.  

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