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March 2019

5 ways to enjoy meals for one

(NC) There are more one-person households in Canada than any other kind, according to the most recent census.

While living alone might be a choice, it may also be the result of a life change, such as losing a spouse or relocating. But experts say it can be a positive experience that allows us to enjoy our own company.

As the stomach is known as a window to the heart, meal prep offers easy opportunities for self-fulfillment. Here are some tips for helping this happen: 

Plan ahead. Take time to review your schedule and understand your needs for the week. Once these details are confirmed, you will be better suited to plan. Make note of when you’d like to eat out or order in.

Shop smart. Once you plan your meals, make a list with the required quantities. Shopping smart means buying items that will last all week and just enough to ensure nothing spoils. Keeping a balance of canned, frozen and fresh foods will help you get the most out of your food.

Prep ahead. Pick one day to prepare core meal items for the week. Investing time up front greatly cuts down the overall time needed. For example, if you’re a dessert lover, make cookie dough in advance and freeze single cookie-sized portions.

Treat yourself. Pick a day each week to create an experience. Make your meal an event and create a beautiful place-setting with your favourite flowers and music. You could treat yourself and order in.

“A great alternative, particularly if you have limited mobility, is ordering from a meal delivery service,” says Jim Panoff, branch manager at Arbor Memorial. “Heart to Home Meals and the Canadian Red Cross Meals on Wheels program can deliver fresh, made-to-order meals straight to your home.”

Invite a friend. Plan a get-together with friends and family. Much like eating a balanced meal is good for your body, finding a balance between the joys of eating alone and with others is good for your emotional health. Look for opportunities to share the experience.

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