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5 reasons you should eat more strawberries

(NC) Did you know strawberries are one of the healthiest fruits? Here are five reasons why incorporating more of these sweet berries is a smart choice.

  1. Immunity strength: Just one cup of strawberries has 95 per cent of Health Canada’s recommended daily value of vitamin C.
  2. Nutritional powerhouse: Strawberries are packed with a variety of other beneficial nutrients, including potassium, folate and fibre.
  3. Digestive support: A serving of eight strawberries provides three grams of both soluble and insoluble fibre.
  4. Naturally sweet goodness: Strawberries, with their natural sweetness and low-calorie count, offer a delicious treat without excessive sugar content, making them a satisfying choice for those seeking balance in their diet.
  5. Versatility: One serving of eight strawberries is the perfect addition to any snack or mealtime – be it a mid-morning energy boost, a healthy evening treat, or a delicious accessory to a sweet or savoury recipe.

Canadians can enjoy the delicious taste and health benefits of fresh strawberries year-round by looking for strawberries grown in California. Find more nutritional information at

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