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3 steps for creating an at-home workspace for kids

(NC) Back-to-school is going to look different for many of us this year. And students of all ages will be doing more learning at home, so it’s important to ensure they have a workspace that will help your child thrive.

Here, Sarah Gunn, designer and former teacher, shares her top tips for a productive space:

  1. Create an inspiring environment. The first thing to keep in mind is how your child likes to work. Are they easily distracted, or do they enjoy the company of working around other people? Choose a space that bests suits their learning style – whether it is a secluded spot, or a corner in the kitchen, dining room or living room.
  2. Get everyone in on the setup. Involve your children in preparing their at-home workspace. Be sure to include a large work surface, a comfy seat and task lighting. Staples Canada is a great resource for modern workspace options. Once you have the basics, personalize the area with items like a favourite stuffed animal, photos of friends or their artwork.
  3. Stock up for success. Have all the tools your child needs within easy reach and use colourful containers to keep supplies organized. If they work in a shared area, like the dining room table, designate a large container to store materials out of sight when they aren’t in use.

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