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3 things to check before buying or selling a home

(NC) Buying or selling a home is an exciting step in anyone’s life. But there’s no denying it’s a major undertaking. Here are three key things to rememberwhether you’rebuying or selling.  

1. Consider your wants and needs 

Before you buy or sell, it’s important to think about what you value and what you want versus what you need. For example, is a big backyard a dealbreaker for you? Or, would you be okay with a tiny outdoor space if you found the right home? If you’re selling, is it the price that matters the most? Or is short closing that puts money in your hand faster more important? 

2. Interview your agent 

Everyone knows someone who knows a real estate agent. It can be tempting to make a quick choice and go with that friend of the family or in-law. While they could be the right person in the end, it’s important to interview at least a couple of different agents to find the right fit. Real estate agents often have different specialties or mindsets and approaches that may or may not click with you. By having a chat with a few people, you’ll know you’re setting up a successful partnership. 

3. Test for radon 

Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from uranium in the ground that can get into your home undetected. All homes have some level of radon. However, long-term exposure to elevated levels increases your risk of developing lung cancer – in fact, it’s the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers.  

If you’re selling your home, reassure buyers about radon levels. And if you’re buying, it’s a good idea to do radon testing as well as your standard home inspection. You can purchase an easy do-it-yourself radon test kit or hire a certified professional. Costs to fix high radon levels are comparable to updating your furnace or air conditioner. 

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