Pregnant or breastfeeding? How to decode the new caution labels on some foods

(NC) Many of us want to make choices that support our health. Making informed decisions about food is a big part of that. Food labels are a commonly used tool to inform our decisions at the grocery store, and some of these labels will now look a little bit different.
Here’s what you need to know.
Supplemented foods are foods or drinks with one or more supplemental ingredients added for reasons other than nutrition. These are different from fortified foods, which contain added ingredients for a nutritional purpose like adding folic acid to flour to help prevent brain and spine defects in babies.
Examples of supplemented foods can include snack bars, fruit drinks and carbonated beverages.
Supplemental ingredients can include:
- caffeine
- minerals such as calcium
- vitamins such as vitamin C
- amino acids such as L-leucine
Knowing how to recognize supplemented foods is especially important for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding and want to make the best choices for their baby. Unlike conventional foods, some supplemented foods may not be suitable for eating or drinking as often or as much as we want. The reason for this is that some of these added ingredients can pose a risk if overconsumed by the general population or if consumed at all by certain people such as those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Health Canada recently introduced regulations that require new labels for these foods. As of January 1st, 2026, all supplemented foods will be required to have these labels, but you might start seeing them sooner.
These products will have a supplemented food facts table, instead of a nutrition facts table, that includes a “Supplemented with” section listing all the supplemental ingredients added. Some will also carry a caution identifier on the front of the label. This tells us to turn to the back or side of the product for more detailed cautions, such as “Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women” or “Do not drink on the same day as any other supplemented foods or supplements with the same supplemental ingredients.”
Find out more about supplemented foods and their new labels at canada.ca/supplemented-foods.
Related audio:
Learn about Canada’s new supplemented foods labels
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Related video:
Learn about Canada’s new supplemented foods labels
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