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January 2019

Tips and tricks for winter travel with your furry friends

(NC) Many of us are looking forward to a ski trip getaway, or maybe even a warmer weather refuge. Whether it’s going south for some sun or taking a weekend drive to enjoy the snow, there are a few things to keep in mind if you’re bringing your dog along.

  1. Do your research: Travelling can be stressful and filled with a variety of variables, especially when trips include a furry friend. If you’re going on a road trip, research your route and plan stops ahead of time to ensure your pet gets bathroom breaks and a chance to burn off some energy. Travelling by plane or crossing the border may also require certain documentation, so look into policies ahead of time to avoid any confusion.
  2. Make your pup as comfortable as possible. Between carriers, bedding and even specialty seatbelts, there are a variety of products designed to keep your pets comfortable and safe while travelling. It’s important to bring plenty of water, food and treats to maximize comfort and keep them nourished.
  3. Bring a little piece of home with you. To ease the travel period, bring along a favourite toy or a blanket with a familiar smell. Little items like these will help make your fur baby feel right at home and reduce any anxiety they may feel while travelling.
  4. Consider a pet sitter. While we want to spend as much time with our four-legged friends as possible, sometimes it doesn’t make sense to bring them along for the trip. If your pet finds travelling to be overly stressful, consider using a service like to find a local pet-sitter. This way, your pet can relax and feel comfortable in their own home and give you a tail-wag as soon as you return.

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