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January 2019

3 things to consider when looking for a dog-sitter

(NC) While we wish we could take our pets everywhere with us, sometimes that isn’t the case. Between work trips, family obligations and vacations, there are times that we must leave our fur babies in the care of someone else. To help ensure your dog is treated like family while you’re away, here are three things to think about when looking for a dog-sitter:

  1. Ease your pet into it. If your dog isn’t used to being away from you, staying with an unfamiliar face could be a big adjustment for them. Leaving your pet home alone for trial runs can help ease separation anxiety and make the transition easier for your dog. Introducing your pet to the sitter ahead of time will also help them get more comfortable with their new companion.
  2. Be honest about your furry friend’s needs. As much as we love our pets, just like humans, they aren’t perfect. Some pets need much more attention than others or require significant exercise. If your dog is very energetic and vocal, a condo or apartment setting might not be the best place for them to stay while you’re away. Similarly, if your pet prefers the company of humans, it’s best for them to stay with someone who doesn't have other animals in the household. Always think about your pet’s needs and find accommodations that make the most sense for them, making the experience as effortless as possible.
  3. Use a pet-sitter you trust: Look for sitters who are experienced and comfortable with dogs like yours. While friends and family who already know your pet might be the best choice to dog sit, that might not always be an option. You can also consider using a service like to find a local pet sitter. The company helps you find safe, five-star pet sitters and dog walkers in your area. You can even have them come to your house to dog sit, keeping your pup as comfortable as possible while you’re away.

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